Holidays and climate protection
Help us to protect the environment - Green Option
During your stay at the hotel for several days, you have the option to cancel a room cleaning. You can do this easily via the Gastfreund app or simply let the reception know. As a reward, you will receive a voucher for a free drink at reception and we will donate a tree for every 100x "Green Option" used.
- We obtain 100% of our electricity from hydroelectric power
- Furthermore, the water is partly heated by solar energy.
- Energy is saved through heat recovery
- Controlled power consumption through modern maximum monitors
- When purchasing, we pay attention to regionality and use products from the region.
- The organic waste in Ischgl has already been used for 30 years in the local sewage treatment plant to produce biogas, which is then used to generate electricity and fed into the power grid.
The preservation of nature and the responsible use of our energy is very important for us as a company and as a family. Therefore, we also strive to keep CO2 emissions low and try to save even more by constantly finding new ways to do so. The following measures already contribute to saving energy
Together with Wald4Leben, we at Hotel Arnika are trying to counteract the climate catastrophe. Through our guests and our actions, we can make a personal contribution to climate protection